IRIX® Admin: Resource Administration

Document Number: 007-3700-016


Written by Terry Schultz

Illustrated by Chris Wengelski

Production by Terry Schultz

Engineering contributions by Michel Bourget, Karl Feind, Tom Goozen, Sharif Islam, Marlys Kohnke, Tina Liang, Dennis Parker, Michael Sanford, Dan Stekloff, and Sam Watters


© 1999 - 2003, 2005, 2006, Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved; provided portions may be copyright in third parties, as indicated elsewhere herein. No permission is granted to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from the contents of this electronic documentation in any manner, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.


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Silicon Graphics, SGI, the SGI logo, IRIX, and Origin are registered trademarks and ccNUMA, NUMAflex, IRIS InSight and Trusted IRIX are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries worldwide.

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Record of Revision

Revision 001July 1999 
Draft version.

Revision 002January 2000 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.7 release.

Revision 003April 2000 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.8 release.

Revision 004August 2000 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.9 release.

Revision 005November 2000 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.10 release.

Revision 006February 2001 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.11 release.

Revision 007May 2001 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.12 release.

Revision 008August 2001 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.13 release.

Revision 009November 2001 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.14 release.

Revision 010February 2002 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.15 release.

Revision 011May 2002 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.16 release.

Revision 012August 2002 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.17 release.

Revision 013November 2002 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.18 release.

Revision 014May 2003 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.20 release.

Revision 015August 2003 
Supports the IRIX 6.5.21 release.

Revision 016August 2006 
Updated to support Secure Array Services