
“Show Snapshots/Hide Snapshots” Command
The “Show Snapshots/Hide Snapshots” Command

”Add to Global” command
Placing a Window in All Desks
The “Add to Global” Command

”An Icon” command
The “File QuickFind” Command

”Arrange” command
”by Date”
The “by Date” Command
”by Name”
The “by Name” Command
”by Size”
The “by Size” Command
”by Type”
The “by Type” Command

”as Columns” command
The “as Columns” Command
The “as Columns” Command
The “as Columns” Command

”as Gallery” command
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command

”as Icons” command
The “as Icons” Command
The “as Icons” Command
The “as Icons” Command

”as List” command
The “as List” Command
The “as List” Command
The “as List” Command

”Audio Control” command
The “Control Audio” Command

”by Date” command
The “by Date” Command
The “by Date” Command

”by Name” command
The “by Name” Command
The “by Name” Command

”by Size” command
The “by Size” Command
The “by Size” Command

”by Type” command
The “by Type” Command
The “by Type” Command

”Copy Selected” command
The “Copy Selected” Command

”Customize” command
The “Customize” Command

”Desks Overview” command
The “Extra Desks” Command

”Desktop Help” command
The “Quick Answers” Command

”Display Icon Name” command
The “Display Icon Name” Command

”Display No Names” command
The “Display No Names” Command

”Display Window Name” command
The “Display Window Name” Command

”Empty Dumpster” command
Removing Files and Reference Icons
The “Empty Dumpster” Command

”Find an Icon” command
Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
The “File QuickFind” Command
The “File QuickFind” Command

”Get Info” command
The “Get Info” Command
The “Get Info” Command
The “Get Info” Command

”Goto Selected” command
The “Goto Selected” Command

”Hidden Files” command
The “Hidden Files” Command

”Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk” command
The “Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk Command

”Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” command
The “Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” Command

”Home Directory” command
The “Access Files > In my Home Directory” Command

”Legal Notice” command
The “Legal Notice” Command

”List All...” command
Listing All the Windows in Your Desks
The “List All...” Command

”Log Out” command
The “Log Out” Command

”Lower” command
The “Lower” Command

”Make Copy” command
The “Make Copy” Command
The “Make Copy” Command
The “Make Reference” Command

”Make Linked Copy” command
Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
The “Make Reference” Command

”Man Pages” Command
The “Man Pages” Command

”Minimize All” command
The “Minimize All” Command

”Minimize” command
The “Minimize” Command

”New Desk” command
The “New Desk” Command

”New Directory” command
Creating a Directory
The “Add New Directory” Command
The “Add New Directory” Command

”New Page” command
The “New” Command

”New” command
The “New” Command

”Online Books” command
The “Online Books” Command

”Open Icon” command
Starting Applications From the Selected Menu
The “Open” Command
The “Open” Command
The “Open” Command

”Overview” menu
The Overview Menu

”Page Down” command
The “Page down” Command
The “Down” Command

”Page Up” command
The “Page up” Command
The “Up” Command

”Permissions” command
The “Change Permissions” Command

”Print” command
Printing From Icon Views or the Desktop
The “Print” Command
The “Print” Command
The “Print” Command

”Quit” command
The “Exit” Command
The “Exit” Command

”Quit” command, Desks Overview window
The “Exit” Command

”Raise” command
The “Raise” Command

”Release Notes” command
The “Release Notes” Command

”Remote Directory” command
Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System

”Remove from Desk” command
The “Remove from Desk” Command

”Remove” command
Removing Files and Reference Icons
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command

”Rename Selected” command
The “Rename Selected” Command

”Rename” command
The “Rename” Command
The “Rename” Command

”Restore All” command
The “Restore All” Command

”Restore” command
The “Restore” Command

”Scaling” command
The “Scaling” Command

”Show Query” command
The “Show Query” Command

”System Shutdown” command
Turning Off Your Workstation

”to Grid” command
The “Align to Grid” Command

”Unix Shell” command
The “Open Unix Shell” Command

access privileges
Owner, Group, and Others: A Definition
default settings
Changing Default Permission Settings
Permissions Settings: A Definition

activating screen savers
Changing the Screen Saver Activation Delay

additional fonts
About Impressario

appearance of moving windows
Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window

available on remote systems
Accessing Applications On Remote Systems
Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
finding available
Accessing Available Applications
Installing Applications
Removing Applications
Starting Applications
running automatically
Saving Your Desktop Layout
specifying command line options for
Starting Applications with Command Line Options

arranging icons
Sorting Icons
Viewing File Information (Viewing “as List”)
Displaying Icons in Columns
The “by Name” Command
The “by Date” Command
The “by Size” Command
The “by Type” Command
The Display as List Button
The Display in Columns Button
The “as List” Command
The “as Columns” Command
The Display as List Button
The Display in Columns Button
The “by Name” Command
The “by Date” Command
The “by Size” Command
The “by Type” Command
The “Align to Grid” Command
The “as List” Command
The “as Columns” Command
The Display as List Button
The Display in Columns Button
The “by Name” Command
The “by Date” Command
The “by Size” Command
The “by Type” Command
The “as List” Command
The “as Columns” Command

arranging windows
Organizing Windows Into Desks

ASCII files, printing
About File Format Filters
Changing Printer Settings for ASCII Text Files

audio, volume of
The “Control Audio” Command

.auxchestrc file
Adding Toolchests and Toolchest Menu Items Using the .auxchestrc File

changing pattern for
Changing the Desktop Background
making solid
Choosing a Solid Color for Your Desktop Background

background. See desktop.
Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background

borders on windows
The Border

cancelling print requests
About Print Status

background pattern
Changing the Desktop Background
default permission settings
Changing Default Permission Settings
desks moving
between desks
Switching Between Desks
Changing the Language and Keyboard Layout
size of windows
Resizing Windows
toolchest contents
Modifying the Toolchests (Advanced)

.chestrc file
Adding, Deleting, and Renaming Toolchests and Toolchest Menu Items Using the .chestrc File

click speed
Adjusting the Mouse Click Speed

closing windows
Closing Windows

columns, arranging icons in
Displaying Icons in Columns

command line options
Starting Applications with Command Line Options
The Launch Window

control panels
The “Customize” Command

The “Copy Selected” Command
files to other systems
Accessing Remote Files Using the rcp Command
The “Make Copy” Command
The “Make Copy” Command
The “Make Reference” Command
Copying Windows Between Desks

copyright information
The “Legal Notice” Command

desks”New Desk” command
Creating a Desk

cursor speed
Customizing Mouse Settings

background pattern
Changing the Desktop Background
mouse and cursor speed
Customizing Mouse Settings
print jobs
About Print Panel
Customizing Print Jobs With Print Panel
Search tool
Creating and Saving a Custom Search
The “New” Command

default permission settings
Changing Default Permission Settings

default printer
Designating a Default Printer

Delete Selected” command
The “Delete Selected” Command

Removing Applications
Deleting a Desk
The “Delete Selected” Command
Removing Files and Reference Icons

deleting files
Making “Remove” Delete Instantly

Desk menu
The Desk Menu

The Desks Overview Window: An Overview
The “Goto Selected” Command
and the Desks Overview command
The “Extra Desks” Command
arranging windows into
Organizing Windows Into Desks
changing display of
Viewing Desks as Snapshots or Buttons
copying desks
The “Copy Selected” Command
copying windows on
Copying Windows Between Desks
creating new
Creating a Desk
The “New Desk” Command
Deleting a Desk
The “Delete Selected” Command
displayed in Desks Overview window
The Desk Display Area
global desk
The Global Desk
The “Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk Command
The “Add to Global” Command
moving windows between
Moving Windows Between Desks
Changing the Order of Desks
removing desks
Deleting a Desk
The “Delete Selected” Command
removing windows from a desk
The “Remove from Desk” Command
removing windows from global desk
Removing a Window From the Global Desk
Renaming a Desk
The “Rename Selected” Command
resizing display of
Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
The “Scaling” Command
switching between
Switching Between Desks
the global desk
Placing a Window in All Desks

Desks Overview window
The Desks Overview Window: An Overview
”Overview” menu on
The Overview Menu
and window names
Displaying the Names of Windows in a Desk
desk display area
The Desk Display Area
The “Show Snapshots/Hide Snapshots” Command
Desk menu on
The Desk Menu
displaying the menubar
The “Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” Command
hiding the menubar
The “Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” Command
keyboard shortcuts for
Keyboard Shortcuts for Desks Overview Commands
The “Exit” Command
rearranging desks in
Changing the Order of Desks
Hints for Resizing the Window
Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
Window menu on
The Window Menu

changing the background
Changing the Desktop Background
Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
disabling icons on
Disabling Icons on the Desktop
making solid
Choosing a Solid Color for Your Desktop Background
placing icons on
Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
printer icons on
Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
saving layout of
Saving Your Desktop Layout
size of icons on
Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop

desktop help
The “Quick Answers” Command

Desktop Settings Control Pane
Displaying Application Errors

Desktop Settings Control Panel
Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
Changing Default Permission Settings
Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
Turning File Overwrite Messages On and Off
Disabling Icons on the Desktop

Desktop toolchest
The Desktop Toolchest

copying to other systems
Copying a Directory Using the rcp Command
creating new
Creating a Directory
The “Add New Directory” Command
The “Add New Directory” Command
determining ownership of
Viewing Permissions Information
Finding Directories
home directory
The “Access Files > In my Home Directory” Command
in your search path
Adding Directories to Your Search Path (Advanced)
Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
Renaming Files and Directories
sharing with other users
Sharing Directories With Other Systems

Directory View windows
copying files between
Accessing Remote Files Using Automount
Display as Icons button
The Display as Icons Button
The Display as Icons Button
The Display as Icons Button
Display in Columns button
The Display in Columns Button
The Display in Columns Button
The Display in Columns Button
Display Shelf Button
The Shelf Button
keyboard shortcuts for
Keyboard Shortcuts for Icon View Windows
List Button
The Display as List Button
The Display as List Button
The Display as List Button
on other systems
Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
Preview Images button
The Thumbnail Images Button
The Thumbnail Images Button
The Thumbnail Images Button
Selected menu on
The Selected Menu on an Icon View Window
The Shelf
thumbwheel on
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
toolbar on
The Toolbar

disabling the desktop
Disabling Icons on the Desktop

copying from floppy
Copying Files From a Floppy Disk
copying to floppy
Copying Files Onto a Floppy Disk

dot (.) files
Viewing Hidden (“Dot”) Files
The “Hidden Files” Command

double-click speed
Adjusting the Mouse Click Speed

dragging and dropping icons
The Drop Pocket
The Drop Pocket

drop pocket
Placing an Icon Into the Drop Pocket
The Drop Pocket
The Drop Pocket

Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
The “Empty Dumpster” Command
files in
Removing Files and Reference Icons

enlarging windows
The Maximize Window Button

error messages
file overwrite message
Turning File Overwrite Messages On and Off
printing errors
Troubleshooting Printing
status panel for
Displaying Application Errors

EZsetup account
Using Existing Login Accounts

copying files from floppy
Copying Files From a Floppy Disk
copying files to floppy disk
Copying Files Onto a Floppy Disk
determining ownership of
Viewing Permissions Information
Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
Using the Search Tool: An Overview
Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
The “File QuickFind” Command
The “File QuickFind” Command
The “File QuickFind” Command
finding certain types
Finding Types of Icons
Renaming Files and Directories
Naming Icons: A Few Guidelines
on remote systems
Finding Files on Another System
Opening and Saving Files
Printing Files
The “Print” Command
The “Print” Command
The “Print” Command
Removing Files and Reference Icons
Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
Renaming Files and Directories
Saving Files
viewing hidden
Viewing Hidden (“Dot”) Files

Find toolchest
The Find Toolchest

application icons
Accessing Available Applications
Finding Directories
Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
Using the Search Tool: An Overview
Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
large files
Finding Large Files
types of files
Finding Types of Icons

floppy disks
copying files from
Copying Files From a Floppy Disk
copying files to
Copying Files Onto a Floppy Disk

fonts, additional
About Impressario

ftp command
Accessing Files Using the FTP Command in a Shell

global desk
Placing a Window in All Desks
The Global Desk
The “Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk Command
The “Add to Global” Command
removing windows from
Removing a Window From the Global Desk

Owner, Group, and Others: A Definition

guest account
Using Existing Login Accounts

Help toolchest
The Help Toolchest

hidden files
Viewing Hidden (“Dot”) Files

horizontal toolchest layout
Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests

Icon Catalog
Accessing Available Applications
Creating a Collection of Application Icons
The Icon Catalog: An Overview
adding icons to
Adding Icons to an Icon Catalog Page
adding pages to
The “New” Command
The “Exit” Command
creating new collections
Adding Your Own Pages in the Icon Catalog
The “New” Command
keyboard shortcuts for
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Icon Catalog
page display area on
The Page Display Area
removing pages from
Removing a Page From the Icon Catalog
The “Remove” Command
renaming pages in
The “Rename” Command
turning pages
The “Down” Command
turning pages in
Navigating Pages in the Icon Catalog
The “Up” Command

accessing easily
Giving Yourself Easy Access to Icons
Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
accessing from multiple places
Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
and the Icon Catalog
Creating a Collection of Application Icons
The “by Name” Command
The “by Date” Command
The “by Size” Command
The “by Type” Command
The “by Name” Command
The “by Date” Command
The “by Size” Command
The “by Type” Command
The “Align to Grid” Command
collections of
Creating a Collection of Application Icons
The “New” Command
The “Make Copy” Command
The “Make Copy” Command
The “Make Reference” Command
displaying in columns
Displaying Icons in Columns
Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
Using the Search Tool: An Overview
Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
The “File QuickFind” Command
The “File QuickFind” Command
The “File QuickFind” Command
group icons
Creating a Collection of Application Icons
linked copies of
Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
The “Make Reference” Command
Viewing File Information (Viewing “as List”)
Renaming Files and Directories
Naming Icons: A Few Guidelines
on a shelf
Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
on desktop
Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
printer icons
About Desktop Printer Icons
Removing Files and Reference Icons
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
Renaming Files and Directories
Resizing Icons
Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
Sorting Icons
storing on Icon Catalog pages
Adding Icons to an Icon Catalog Page

image files
The Thumbnail Images Button
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
The Thumbnail Images Button
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
The Thumbnail Images Button
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
printer settings for
Changing Printer Settings for Image Files
About File Format Filters

About Impressario

The “Online Books” Command

installing applications
Installing Applications

interactive window placement
Turning On Automatic Window Placement

international settings
Changing the Language and Keyboard Layout

IRIX commands
and command line options
Starting Applications with Command Line Options
The Launch Window

keyboard settings
Turning On Key Click
Adjusting Key-Repeat Speed and Delay

keyboard shortcuts
for Desks Overview window
Keyboard Shortcuts for Desks Overview Commands
for Directory View windows
Keyboard Shortcuts for Icon View Windows
for Icon Catalog
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Icon Catalog
for Search tool
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tool

languages, keyboard layouts for
Changing the Language and Keyboard Layout

large files, finding
Finding Large Files

Launch window
Starting Applications with Command Line Options
The Launch Window

layout, saving desktop
Saving Your Desktop Layout

left-handed mouse
Switching the Mouse for Left-Handed Use

linked copies
Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
The “Make Reference” Command

listing icons
Viewing File Information (Viewing “as List”)
The “as List” Command
The Display as List Button
The Display as List Button
The “as List” Command
The Display as List Button
The “as List” Command

listing windows
Listing All the Windows in Your Desks
The “List All...” Command
The List All Window

locking screen savers
Locking Your Screen

logging in
to remote systems
Logging In to Another System Using the rlogin Command
Using telnet to Log In to Another System

logging out
The “Log Out” Command

login accounts
Using Existing Login Accounts
Why Create a Login Account?

lowering windows
Raising and Lowering Windows
The “Lower” Command

makeDotDesktop window
Understanding the makeDotDesktop Window

making copies of windows
Copying Windows Between Desks

man pages
The “Man Pages” Command

Maximize button
The Maximize Window Button

maximizing windows
The Maximize Window Button

Minimize button
The Minimize Window Button

minimizing windows
Minimizing All Windows in a Desk
Minimizing Windows
Displaying the Windows Overview
The Minimize Window Button
The “Minimize All” Command
The “Minimize” Command

monitor, and screen savers
Choosing a New Screen Saver

mouse setting
for left-handed use
Switching the Mouse for Left-Handed Use

mouse settings
Customizing Mouse Settings
click and double-click speed
Adjusting the Mouse Click Speed

onto the desktop
Detailed Instructions on Moving Files or Directories
icons between systems
Detailed Instructions on Moving Files or Directories
windows between desks
Moving Windows Between Desks

Renaming a Desk
The “Rename Selected” Command
guidelines for
Renaming Files and Directories
Naming Icons: A Few Guidelines

copying files between
Accessing Remote Files Using Automount
printers available on
Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
searching across
Finding Files on Another System

new directories, creating
Creating a Directory
The “Add New Directory” Command
The “Add New Directory” Command

nodesktop file
Disabling Icons on the Desktop

online documentation
The “Online Books” Command

online help
The “Quick Answers” Command

opaque windows
Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window

Starting Applications
Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
Opening and Saving Files
remote directories
Accessing Files and Directories On Other Systems

order of desks
Changing the Order of Desks

organizing windows
Organizing Windows Into Desks

OutofBox account
Using Existing Login Accounts

owner of files
Viewing Permissions Information

Page menu
The Page Menu on the Search Tool

in Icon Catalog
Adding Your Own Pages in the Icon Catalog
Navigating Pages in the Icon Catalog
The Page Display Area
in Search tool
The Page Display Area
removing from Icon Catalog
Removing a Page From the Icon Catalog
The “Remove” Command
removing from Search tool
The “Remove” Command
renaming in Icon Catalog
The “Rename” Command
renaming in Search tool
The “Rename” Command
turning Icon Catalog pages
Navigating Pages in the Icon Catalog

passwords, and locking screen savers
Locking Your Screen

path bar
Using the Path Bar in the Path Finder
The Path Bar
The Path Bar

path, adding directories to
Adding Directories to Your Search Path (Advanced)

pathname field
The Path Finder Field
The Pathname Field

permission settings
The “Change Permissions” Command
and file ownership
Owner, Group, and Others: A Definition
default settings
Changing Default Permission Settings
Permissions Settings: A Definition

popping windows
Raising and Lowering Windows
The “Raise” Command

PostScript files, printing
About File Format Filters
Changing Printer Settings for PostScript Files

powering off the system
Turning Off Your Workstation

previewing images
The Thumbnail Images Button
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
The Thumbnail Images Button
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
The Thumbnail Images Button
The “as Thumbnail Images” Command

Print Panel
Overview of Print Panel

Printer Manager, starting
About the Printer Manager

checking queue for
About Print Status
choosing default
Designating a Default Printer
dropping icons on
Printing by Dragging Icons Onto Printers or Print Panel
icons for
About Desktop Printer Icons
Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
job status
About Desktop Printer Icons
queue for
About Desktop Printer Icons
searching network for
Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
status of
Using Print Status to Monitor Print Jobs and Printers
Testing a Printer

ASCII files
About File Format Filters
banner pages
Using Print Panel to Set the Banner Page Title Options
cancelling requests
About Print Status
Cancelling a Print Job
customized settings
About Print Panel
Customizing Print Jobs With Print Panel
Printing Files
The “Print” Command
The “Print” Command
The “Print” Command
image files
About File Format Filters
multiple copies
Using Print Panel to Specify the Number of Copies to Print
PostScript files
About File Format Filters
text files
About File Format Filters
Troubleshooting Printing

pushing windows
Raising and Lowering Windows
The “Lower” Command

raising windows
Raising and Lowering Windows
The “Raise” Command

rcp command
Anatomy of the rcp Command

rearranging desks
Changing the Order of Desks

recycle button
Using the Recycle Button
The Recycle Button
The Recycle Button

red outline of moving windows
Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window

release notes
The “Release Notes” Command

remote directories, opening
Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
Accessing Files and Directories On Other Systems

remote systems
and the rsh command
Using rsh to Perform Commands on Another System
and the telnet command
Using telnet to Log In to Another System
applications on
Accessing Applications On Remote Systems
copying files between
Accessing Remote Files Using Automount
copying files to and from
Accessing Remote Files Using the rcp Command
finding files on
Finding Files on Another System
logging in to
Logging In to Another System Using the rlogin Command
printers on
Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop

Removing Applications
Deleting a Desk
The “Delete Selected” Command
Removing Files and Reference Icons
Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
Icon Catalog pages
Removing a Page From the Icon Catalog
The “Remove” Command
Removing Files and Reference Icons
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
The “Remove” Command
Search tool pages
The “Remove” Command
windows from global desk
Removing a Window From the Global Desk

Renaming a Desk
The “Rename Selected” Command
Icon Catalog pages
The “Rename” Command
Renaming Files and Directories
Search tool pages
The “Rename” Command

Desks Overview window
Hints for Resizing the Window
Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
display area in Desks Overview window
Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
The “Scaling” Command
Resizing Icons
Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
Resizing Windows

results of a search
The Results Area

rlogin command
Using the rlogin Command to Access Applications on Another System
Logging In to Another System Using the rlogin Command

root account
Using Existing Login Accounts

rsh command
Using rsh to Perform Commands on Another System

running applications
Starting Applications

The Window Sash

custom searches
Creating and Saving a Custom Search
Saving Files

scanners, support for
About Impressario

screen savers
Choosing a New Screen Saver
when to activate
Changing the Screen Saver Activation Delay

scroll bars
The Scroll Bars
The Scroll Bars

Search tool
The Search Tool: An Overview
adding pages to
The “New” Command
The “Exit” Command
custom searches
Creating and Saving a Custom Search
The “New” Command
keyboard shortcuts for
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tool
Page menu on
The Page Menu on the Search Tool
pages in
The Page Display Area
removing pages in
The “Remove” Command
renaming pages in
The “Rename” Command
results area
The Results Area
turning pages in
The “Page up” Command
The “Page down” Command

across networks
Finding Files on Another System
by file type
Finding Types of Icons
default search path
Adding Directories to Your Search Path (Advanced)
for files
Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
Using the Search Tool: An Overview
Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
for large files
Finding Large Files

and locking screen savers
Locking Your Screen
and login accounts
Why Create a Login Account?

Selected menu
The Selected Menu on an Icon View Window

Selected toolchest
The Selected Toolchest

session management
Saving Your Desktop Layout

.sgisession file
Running Applications When You Log In Using the .sgisession File

sharing directories
Sharing Directories With Other Systems

Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
The Shelf Button
The Shelf
placing icons on
Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access

shell windows
The “Open Unix Shell” Command

for Desks Overview window
Keyboard Shortcuts for Desks Overview Commands
for Directory View windows
Keyboard Shortcuts for Icon View Windows
for Icon Catalog
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Icon Catalog
for Search tool
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tool

shutting down
Turning Off Your Workstation

finding large files
Finding Large Files
of Desks Overview window
Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
of icons
Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
of windows
Resizing Windows

copyright notice
The “Legal Notice” Command
Installing Applications

sorting icons
Sorting Icons

volume of
The “Control Audio” Command

starting, applications
Starting Applications

stowing windows
Minimizing All Windows in a Desk
Minimizing Windows
Displaying the Windows Overview
The Minimize Window Button
The “Minimize All” Command
The “Minimize” Command

switching between desks
The “Goto Selected” Command

System toolchest
The System Toolchest

system.c hestrc file
Modifying the Toolchests (Advanced)

telnet command
Using telnet to Log In to Another System

text files, printing
About File Format Filters

title bar
The Title Bar

toolbar, on Directory View windows
The Toolbar

changing orientation of
Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests
Desktop toolchest
The Desktop Toolchest
Find toolchest
The Find Toolchest
Help toolchest
The Help Toolchest
Modifying the Toolchests (Advanced)
Selected toolchest
The Selected Toolchest
System toolchest
The System Toolchest

transferring directories
Copying a Directory Using the rcp Command

transferring files
Accessing Remote Files Using the rcp Command

trash icon. See dumpster.
Making “Remove” Delete Instantly

opening remote directories
Accessing Remote Files and Directories With the Access Desktop Tool
print problems
Troubleshooting Printing

turning off desktop icons
Disabling Icons on the Desktop

turning off the system
Turning Off Your Workstation

turning on screen savers
Changing the Screen Saver Activation Delay

vertical toolchest layout
Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests

viewing directories
Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory

The “Control Audio” Command

Window menu
The Window Menu

Window Menu button
The Window Menu Button

Window Settings control panel
Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests
Displaying the Windows Overview
Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
Turning On Automatic Window Placement
Saving Your Desktop Layout

anatomy of
Anatomy of a Window
appearance while moving
Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
arranging in desks
Creating a Desk
Organizing Windows Into Desks
border surrounding
The Border
Closing Windows
Copying Windows Between Desks
displaying names of
Displaying the Names of Windows in a Desk
The “Display Window Name” Command
The “Display Icon Name” Command
The “Display No Names” Command
drop pockets on
The Drop Pocket
The Drop Pocket
listing all open windows
Listing All the Windows in Your Desks
The “List All...” Command
The List All Window
Raising and Lowering Windows
The “Lower” Command
Minimize button on
The Minimize Window Button
The Maximize Window Button
Minimizing All Windows in a Desk
Minimizing Windows
The “Minimize All” Command
The “Minimize” Command
moving between desks
Moving Windows Between Desks
path bar on some windows
The Path Bar
The Path Bar
pathname field on some windows
The Path Finder Field
The Pathname Field
placing automatically
Turning On Automatic Window Placement
placing on all desks
Placing a Window in All Desks
The “Add to Global” Command
Raising and Lowering Windows
The “Raise” Command
recycle button on
The Recycle Button
The Recycle Button
removing from a desk
The “Remove from Desk” Command
Resizing Windows
scroll bars on
The Scroll Bars
The Scroll Bars
title bar on
The Title Bar
Window Menu button on
The Window Menu Button

zooming icons
Resizing Icons
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel
The Thumbwheel