
MapNotify,UnmapNotify — (generated event).

When Generated

The X server generates MapNotify and UnmapNotify events when a window changes state from unmapped to mapped or vice versa.

Select With

To receive these events on a single window, use StructureNotifyMask in the call to XSelectInput for the window. To receive these events for all children of a particular parent, specify the parent window ID and use SubstructureNotifyMask.

XEvent Structure Name

typedef union _XEvent {
   XMapEvent xmap;
   XUnmapEvent xunmap;
} XEvent;

Event Structure

typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;      /* # of last request processed by server */
   Bool send_event;           /* True if this came from SendEvent request */
   Display *display;          /* Display the event was read from */
   Window event;
   Window window;
   Bool override_redirect;    /* boolean, is override set */
} XMapEvent;
typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;      /* # of last request processed by server */
   Bool send_event;           /* True if this came from SendEvent request */
   Display *display;          /* Display the event was read from */
   Window event;
   Window window;
   Bool from_configure;
} XUnmapEvent;

Event Structure Members


The window that selected this event.


The window that was just mapped or unmapped.

override_redirect (XMapEvent only) 

True or False. The value of the override_redirect attribute of the window that was just mapped.

from_configure (XUnmapEvent only) 

True if the event was generated as a result of a resizing of the window's parent when the window itself had a win_gravity of UnmapGravity. See the description of the win_gravity attribute in 4.3.4 of Volume One. False otherwise.