
ResizeRequest — (generated event).

When Generated

A ResizeRequest event reports another client's attempt to change the size of a window. The X server generates this event type when another client calls XConfigureWindow(), XMoveResizeWindow(), or XResizeWindow(). If this event type is selected, the window is not resized. This gives the client that selects this event (usually the window manager) the opportunity to revise the new size of the window before executing the resize request or to deny the request itself.

Select With

To receive this event type, specify a window ID and pass ResizeRedirectMask as part of the event_mask argument to XSelectInput. Only one client can select this event on a particular window. When selected, this event is triggered instead of resizing the window.

XEvent Structure Name

typedef union _XEvent {
   XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
} XEvent;

Event Structure

typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;   /* # of last request processed by server */
   Bool send_event;   /* True if this came from SendEvent request */
   Display *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
   Window window;
   int width, height;
} XResizeRequestEvent;

Event Structure Members


The window whose size another client attempted to change.

width, height 

The requested size of the window, not including its border.