
CirculateNotify — (generated event).

When Generated

A CirculateNotify event reports a call to change the stacking order, and it includes whether the final position is on the top or on the bottom. This event is generated by XCirculateSubwindows(), XCirculateSubwindowsDown(), or XCirculateSubwindowsUp(). See also the CirculateRequest and ConfigureNotify reference pages.

Select With

This event is selected with StructureNotifyMask in the XSelectInput call for the window to be moved or with SubstructureNotifyMask for the parent of the window to be moved.

XEvent Structure Name

typedef union _XEvent {
   XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
} XEvent;

Event Structure

typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;     /* # of last request processed by server */
   Bool send_event;          /* True if this came from SendEvent request */
   Display *display;         /* Display the event was read from */
   Window event;
   Window window;
   int place;                /* PlaceOnTop, PlaceOnBottom */
} XCirculateEvent;

Event Structure Members


The window receiving the event. If the event was selected by StructureNotifyMask, event will be the same as window. If the event was selected by SubstructureNotifyMask, event will be the parent of window.


The window that was restacked.


Either PlaceOnTop or PlaceOnBottom. Indicates whether the window was raised to the top or bottom of the stack.